Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Forever one of my favorites

It has been a rough week. I have tons of things to do but can't seem to concentrate on any of it. That's because Mr. Jackson John is now sitting in the lap of Jesus. I don't think I can express in this blog just how much that child has done for me. His family has given me more then they probable realize. His pictures are just as precious to me as they are to them. and with out their encouragement I wouldn't even have this blog. I have been photographing Jackson sinse he was fresh from the oven! He was to be my first "year in the life" baby, however even though we didn't get to that year, We did get some wonderful pictures of that beautiful blue eyed baby boy. Here are just a few of those pics from the past 6 months starting with the most recent. I wish I could upload them all. Jackson John will forever be one of my favorites.


  1. Without you, our memories of Jackson would never have been captured so beautifully! We will always cherish the gift you have given us...and remember the things you have done for us, and Jackson when we see the faces of all the beautiful babies you photograph.
    Danielle Amanda and Jackson

  2. I believe heaven is a real place.I do not know exactly where it is located BUT I know it is a more precious place now......Jackson John is there.

  3. Oh friend, you make me cry. I feel so much for this little family, and for you, too. xoxo

  4. Heaven just received another angel name Jackson John!Memories are beautiful,cherish them.What beautiful pictures these are.xoxo

