My son started preschool this year, Exciting I know. when I was getting all of his things ready for his
first day I saw a letter asking for a family picture. I thought GREAT I love pictures. However it took me about 4 sec. to remember we don't have any. Most people say to me "How great it must be to be a photographer. You must have tons of family shots on your walls." well...sadly I do not. Because the drawback of always being the
photographer is never being in your own pictures. I decided a few weeks ago that this was just not
acceptable. I was
determined to get a portrait of all three of us. I packed up the family, the camera and the tripod and headed out to an open field near by. I must say my husband was a trooper. He did not complain once. I took prob. 60 or so shots and got maybe a handful worth keeping. Not to mention the workout of me running from camera to my family before the self timer went off. It all paid off in the end and
that's all that matters