Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I actually took these pictures back in October but keeping up with this blog is a challenge. However I wanted to share these pics because this family is awesome. enough said...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I love when I get to take photographs for my friends. Everyone is always so relaxed which makes for great pics. I had the pleasure of taking Miss. Taylor's 1 year photos at the Isle of Palms. The day was perfect, just before sunset and Taylor put on the charm! It was a lot of running for her mommy to keep her out of the ocean but the pics turned out amazing.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dont forget to take the time.

Things are busy. Things are hectic. I forget things left and right. I'm stressed and I have tons of editing piling up. But the other day my husband and son were sitting on the couch together, nothing really going on just sitting. My camera was next to me so I picked it up and started clicking. Those are the moments I want to capture. Those are the moments a lot of us take for granted. No matter how busy I get I never want to forget to take the time to stop and enjoy those moments. It's the simple things that make us who we are. Don't forget to enjoy them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October = Family

I have fallen so behind in updating my blog....sorry friends. October has been a very busy month for me so far and it's no where near over. It has turned into a very "family"month with lots of family portraits, including my own. My brother and his family were visiting from PA and I decided it might be my only chance to get a portrait of us for my mom. It was NOT easy with 2 toddlers and 6 adults but we got it done. I will update on all the other beautiful family's I've photographed very soon.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Another great newborn shoot the other day. Oh how I love those little ones. Ms. Elise did a fantastic job. After just a little bouncing from mommy she was good to go. I think she really enjoyed all the new textures I kept putting on her. She had some beautiful heirloom blankets that we used and a few other special "family" things. I love when I get to use personal items like that. I think it makes the photos mean so much more. Here is just a sneak peak of beautiful little Elise.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my little photographer

The other day while cleaning my kitchen I was inspired by my antique camera collection. I have quite a few on display but one in particular grabbed my attention that day. It was an old brownie that I inherited. I've always loved it but at that moment all I could see was how cute my son would look holding it! I took him out into the yard and just let him have fun with it. At first he tried looking through the viewfinder as you would a more modern camera. (which was adorable)But after I showed him how it worked he had a blast. He was running all over the place telling me what he saw through the lens, "I see a tree, I see mommy". It melted my heart. I would love to be able to see the world through the eyes of my son and photography is the closest I'll ever get.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Ava

I had the pleasure of photographing baby Ava a few weeks ago. Just like her mommy, she was sweet as can be. And I must say had the cutest set of roller skate booties I've ever seen!! enjoy....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Family picture time

My son started preschool this year, Exciting I know. when I was getting all of his things ready for his first day I saw a letter asking for a family picture. I thought GREAT I love pictures. However it took me about 4 sec. to remember we don't have any. Most people say to me "How great it must be to be a photographer. You must have tons of family shots on your walls." well...sadly I do not. Because the drawback of always being the photographer is never being in your own pictures. I decided a few weeks ago that this was just not acceptable. I was determined to get a portrait of all three of us. I packed up the family, the camera and the tripod and headed out to an open field near by. I must say my husband was a trooper. He did not complain once. I took prob. 60 or so shots and got maybe a handful worth keeping. Not to mention the workout of me running from camera to my family before the self timer went off. It all paid off in the end and that's all that matters

Monday, September 13, 2010


Meet Mr. Everett. He was just 1 week old when I took these pictures. I loved spending the morning with him, his proud big sister and their mommy, who just happens to be one of my oldest friends. I don't think I can express in words how much I love my job and how blessed I feel to have this gift.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Mr. Cole Mason LOVED his photo shoot today. I think he really liked the click of the camera. He followed it around the room with his eyes. He was wide awake but calm and relaxed the whole time. He only got upset once and a little food in the tummy made him all better. I truly enjoyed being with him and his mommy today. I can't wait to go back and get some more of him with his proud big brother.

Jacks and Banks

I had my very first twin session the other day. These little guys were celebrating their one month birthday. Here's a little sneak peak, enjoy.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


(this promotion was a big success and quickly reached 4 bookings, thanks to all that made it possible)

I love fall and I LOVE fall pictures! I am so inspired by the colors and textures of fall that right now I'm offering a special to the first 4 bookings in October. a discounted rate of 75.00$ which includes the same 1-2 hours on location and 15-20 edited images on a disk. I found a few old pictures on my laptop today and thought I'd share them with you. I'm so excited for the cooler weather.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

family time

Despite the rain trying to ruin our shoot. I got some amazing pictures the other day of an amazing family.They were so relaxed in front of the camera and didn't mind the drizzle of rain or the humidity that came with it at all. I had a blast and really enjoyed the time with them. Here are just a few examples of the day. I wish I could upload more but I still have some editing to do. hope you enjoy the sneak peak.
