Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dont forget to take the time.

Things are busy. Things are hectic. I forget things left and right. I'm stressed and I have tons of editing piling up. But the other day my husband and son were sitting on the couch together, nothing really going on just sitting. My camera was next to me so I picked it up and started clicking. Those are the moments I want to capture. Those are the moments a lot of us take for granted. No matter how busy I get I never want to forget to take the time to stop and enjoy those moments. It's the simple things that make us who we are. Don't forget to enjoy them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October = Family

I have fallen so behind in updating my blog....sorry friends. October has been a very busy month for me so far and it's no where near over. It has turned into a very "family"month with lots of family portraits, including my own. My brother and his family were visiting from PA and I decided it might be my only chance to get a portrait of us for my mom. It was NOT easy with 2 toddlers and 6 adults but we got it done. I will update on all the other beautiful family's I've photographed very soon.
